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Our Allies

Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services is partnered with environmental justice organizations around the world to promote a cleaner and livable future for our next generations. See more on all of our official allies and affiliations below.



WE ACT’s mission is to build healthy communities by ensuring that people of color and/or low income residents participate meaningfully in the creation of sound and fair environmental health and protection policies and practices. WE ACT envisions a community that has:

  • informed and engaged residents who participate fully in decision-making on key issues that impact their health and community.

  • strong and equal environmental protections.

  • increased environmental health through community-based participatory research and evidence-based campaigns.


Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

(GGJ) is a national alliance of US-based grassroots organizing (GRO) groups organizing to build an agenda for power for working and poor people and communities of color. We understand that there are important connections between the local issues we work on and the global context, and we see ourselves as part of an international movement for global justice.

GGJ focuses on bringing GRO organizations into a long-term process of relationship building, political alignment and the development of transformational leadership, particularly for working and poor women and gender-oppressed people of color. The membership of GGJ adopted a framework in 2011 that calls for a holistic approach to building grassroots global justice: No War, No Warming, Build an Economy for the People and the Planet, echoing the framework of Dr. Martin Luther King’s philosophy of the Triple Evils of Poverty, Racism and Militarism. We weave and bridge together US-based GRO groups and global social movements working for climate justice, an end to war, and a just transition to a new economy that is better for people and the planet.



Earth Justice

Healthy Communities  Earthjustice works at the regional and national level to ensure widespread protections from pollution and exposure to toxic chemicals. Our fight for healthy communities involves strengthening standards and protections and holding polluters accountable when they violate those standards.

The Wild Our nation’s laws protect the magnificent natural spaces and wildlife we have inherited from previous generations. Earthjustice enforces those laws to protect what we know to be irreplaceable wildlife and wild places, for this and future generations.


Clean Energy & Healthy Planet  Earthjustice’s legal victories strengthen the rise of clean energy, laying the groundwork for the systemic change we must see. At stake is nothing less than our children’s—and our planet’s—future.


Texas Campaign for the Environment

The Texas Campaign for the Environment (TCE) is a grassroots advocacy 501(c)(4) Non-profit organization that works on health and environmental issues in the state of Texas in the United States. TCE began when its founders parted ways with Texans United in 1991. The organization has offices in Dallas, Austin and Houston. TCE worked with others in closing the grandfather loophole in the Texas Clean Air Act, requiring older industrial facilities to install modern pollution control systems. Currently focused on waste and recycling issues, TCE has organized communities near landfills and trash facilities to oppose major expansions and advocate for increased recycling programs in Texas. TCE is working to implement Zero waste strategies and is a member of the Central Texas Zero Waste Alliance.

The primary tool of TCE is canvassing. Five to six days a week, TCE organizers head out into Texas residential areas and go door-to-door educating citizens on current issues and getting them involved by collecting membership contributions and having them write letters to corporate, federal, state and local figures.

Union of Concerned Scientists


Through their Science Network, they collaborate with more than 20,000 scientists and technical experts across the country, including: physicists, ecologists, engineers, public health professionals, economists, and energy analysts. They are also a leader in science communication, helping experts explain their research more effectively and working to improve the public’s understanding of science.

The Union of Concerned Scientists puts rigorous, independent science to work to solve our planet’s most pressing problems. Joining with citizens across the country, they combine technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future.

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