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US Film Premiere: Huicholes, The Last Peyote Guardians


Wednesday, November 5, 2014 Rice Cinema, 6100 Main Street, Houston, Texas 7:00 – 10:00 PM

Join us for the international film premiere featuring the stunning account of the Wixárika, indigenous peoples in Mexico, defending their culture and land from multi-national mining corporations.

The event is the North American Premiere and kickoff a month-long film tour across the USA and Canada.

“This movie’s subject is about a conflict that on the surface looks like two conflicting political postures, but in reality is about the clash between two Cosmovisions or existential postures: the spiritual vision that fights to preserve the sacred against the logic of material profit that has as an ultimate goal of economic gain over life itself.”

The film will be shown at Rice Media Center with a suggested donation of $10 but no one will be turned away. The director, Hernán Vilchez, and the two traditional village shamans, Jose Luis “Katira” Ramirez and Enrique Ramirez (main protagonists of the film) will be presenting in person. RSVP for the premiere today! Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians is a story about the Wixárika People, one of the last living Pre-Hispanic cultures in Latin America, and their struggle to preserve Wirikuta, their most sacred territory and the land where the peyote grows, the traditional medicine that keeps alive the knowledge of this iconic people of Mexico. Click here to watch the two-minute trailer. In the film, we enter the Wixárika world accompanying the Ramírez, a typical family of the Sierra Madre, in the traditional pilgrimage to Wirikuta held every year to honor their spiritual tradition. This time something is different. The “Heart of the World”, where everything is sacred, is in serious danger. In 2010, the Mexican government granted concessions to several Canadian mining companies to explore and exploit a natural reserve of 140,000 hectares of desert and hills in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosí. This area rich in gold, silver and other valuable minerals maintains the energy balance of the region and the whole planet according to Huichol worldview. RSVP today for the Huicholes USA film premiere on Wed, Nov. 5th @ 7pm. Help support the North American Tour here.


Lecture & Discussion

Tuesday, November 4th

Houston Community College Southeast Campus

Angela Morales Lecture Hall

11:00AM – 1:00PM

Come to a panel discussion with the two Huichol/Wixárika shamans featured in the film, the director, and famous Mexico scholar, Paul Liffman at Houston Community College Southeast Campus.  Join Argentinean Filmmaker Hernán Vilchez (click to hear an interview) and Huichol Shaman Jose Luis “Katira” Ramirez and his son Enrique Ramirez for a presentation and discussion about the film. The event will include distinguished guest Anthropologist Paul Liffman who has written extensively about Huichol Territory and the Mexican Nation.

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